For the 3rd edition of our most popular book, we have added the important foundations from
Before You Can Discipline to the easy-to-use references to 136 different behaviors. This way, teachers know exactly why the strategies suggested for each behavior work and how to most successfully implement them.
You Can Handle Them All section, with 136 behaviors, is presented in outline form and:
- Identifies the primary causes of each behavior.
- Tells how each behavior affects teachers, students, and the learning environment.
- Offers up to 34 techniques for managing each student behavior.
- Reveals the common mistakes teachers often make when trying to correct behaviors.
- Cross-references related behaviors.
Examples of student behaviors addressed include: | The Arrogant The Attention Demander The Bully The Complainer The Disrespectful The Fighter The Goer The Interrupter
| The Know-It-All The Manipulator The Procrastinator The Skeptic Talks Back The Questioner The Victim Plus over 100 others!