Ignite PD Activity: Every Student Possesses Something Important to Us
Ignite PD Activity: Every Student Possesses Something Important to Us
As educators, we spend endless hours preparing lessons and designing activities to share knowledge with and develop the skills of our students. However, students also possess crucial information and insights that can help us to reach and teach them. In this activity, participants are supported in considering the gifts, dreams, stories, and lessons students can share and teach so our work as teachers can be more targeted, calibrated, and effective. Participants are provided with a series of powerful statements for reflection, discussion, and exploration to expand their potential to reach every student. A lapel pin and message card is provided to help each participant remember that students have gifts and dreams to share and stories and lessons to offer, if we are ready to listen and learn.
Engagement Strategy: Facilitator-Led
Reflection and Pair Sharing
Purpose: Culture Building
Time Required: 40-50 Minutes
Includes lapel pin with message card for each participant!